Discipleship for a New Generation

Hillcrest Academy is a Preschool-12th grade school, including resident housing for 10-12th grade students, that employs the Classical Christian model of education. We offer a holistic discipleship model, where students are inspired to love the good, true and beautiful in school, student life, athletics, church, and all activities outside the classroom.


Chapel, Bible studies, devotions, prayer days, and formations week are highlights to how we build a committed faith in students.


Classical Christian education is the framework teachers use at Hillcrest to inspire the love of things of God.

Character isn’t formed, it’s forged. At Hillcrest that happens everywhere, but especially in sports, student life, and international relationships.



Christian Education Realized

Every academic discipline teaches a virtue in some way. Mathematics teaches diligence. Grammar guides in prudence. So, while the test of a great school may be bound in statistics, it is also realized in the testimony of students. Check out this story of how an evening dorm meal revealed how Hillcrest is developing intellect, strengthening character, and building faith for students and our community.


Why We Chose Hillcrest

We decided to send our children to Hillcrest because we love the Christ-centered atmosphere. As they begin each school day with prayer & devotion, and each subject throughout the day is still tied to Jesus, they are realizing that their faith is something to be incorporated into all aspects of their lives.  Children spend so many hours in school, from kindergarten to 12th grade, that we wanted our kids to be surrounded by teachers & coaches that love Jesus and speak & act in a way that they can look up to. Our kids absolutely love Hillcrest and have each told us several times about how happy they are here. They have teachers and staff surrounding them with love and encouragement and they leave school each day knowing that their teachers are praying for & wanting the best for them. For us, that is priceless. 

- The Larsen Family

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Is Hillcrest right for your family?

Your child's education is one of the most important decisions you will make. Contact us today and experience the difference at Hillcrest Lutheran Academy.


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